

So, this is who I am, and this is all I know, and I must choose to live,

for all that I can give, the spark that makes the power grow

嘻 自我為本 活著為懷 沛然沐滌 火花致遠

And I still stand for my dream if I can, symbol of faith in who I am,

but you are my only, and I must follow on the road that lies ahead,

and won’t let my heart control my head

堅持夢想 余所抱負 爾本無二 躑躅前路 心首相輔 各司其職

But you are my only, and we don’t say goodbye, and I know what I’ve 

got to be

爾實無二 何堪道別 余維行止

Immortality, I make my journey through eternity ,I keep the memory of

you and me , inside

永垂不朽 余策永恒 心有靈犀 誠一樂也

Fulfill your destiny, is there within the child, my storm will never end,

my fate is on the wind, the king of hearts, the jokers wild, but we

don’t say goodbye, I’ll make them all remember me

童年爾爾 實踐理想 風雨同路 自求多福 

皇牌當道 鬼牌闢易 何須道別 冀毋忘我

Cos I have found a dream that must come true, every ounce of me must see it through, but you are only, I’m sorry I don’t have a role for love to play

差堪告慰 余夢成真 全然善美 爾應無二 愛意未遂 徒喚奈何

Hand over my heart I will find my way, I will make them give to me,


悉心接物 精誠所致 金石為開 永垂不朽

There is a vision and a fire in me, I keep the memory of you and me,

inside, and we don’t say goodbye, we don’t say goodbye

憑火起願 爾中有我 何堪道別 何堪道別

With all my love for you, and what else we may do, we don’t say, goodbye

愛海無涯 餘音嬝嬝 何堪道別


Latest comments

19.09 | 17:31

在忙碌(忙亂)中找到片刻安靜(閱讀神的話), (透過祈禱)把重担交託神, 必能讚美神恩。

15.06 | 02:50


03.03 | 01:42


13.01 | 17:11

(一) 看別人比自己強可化解衝突或分歧

(二) 主耶穌在十架上對同釘十架的那罪人之對話表現完全饒恕和愛是最好的榜樣

(三) 禱告是向神表達自己真誠的想法,神也藉著不同的方法,教導我們如何回應。不然,分歧或衝突很易升温

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