余曾夢幻 遠處一方 英雄凱旋 引以為榮
一旦亮相 萬眾騰歡 耳畔乍聞 捨我其誰
有朝一日 無遠弗屆 自強不息 破繭而出
腳踏實地 瀰足珍貴 勇往直前 抵達目的
陌路迢迢 傾心以待 前路邂逅 相逢道左
悠悠千載 何妨期待 地久天長 胸有成竹
一往直前 無遠弗屆 余嗜踏實 不容有失
斜路難行 不失盼望 抵達終點 大功告成
榮耀昇華 可遇難求 雄心壯志 堪論英雄
彗星橫空 無遠弗屆 余闖天下 何懼跌宕
海角天涯 無遠弗屆 百戰榮歸 期待熱切
余闖天下 何懼趺宕 百戰榮歸 期待熱切
浮生放眼 行空天馬 榮神益人 哈尼路亞
〔Go the distance 〕 Michael Bolton
I have often dreamed of a far off place
where a hero welcome would be waiting for me
where the crowds will cheer when they see my face
and a voice keeps saying, this is where I’m meant to be
I ‘ll be there someday, I can go the distance
i will find my way , If I can be strong
I know every mile, will be worth my while
when I go the distance I’ll be right where I belong
Down an unknown road to embrace my fate
though that road may wander it will lead me to you
and a thousand years would be worth to wait
it might take a lifetime but somehow I’ll see it through
and I won’t look back, I can go the distance
and I’ll stay on track, no, I won’t accept defeat
it’s an uphill slope, but I won’t lose hope
‘til I go the distance and my journey is complete
But to look beyond the glory is the hardest part
for a hero’s strength is measured by his heart
Like a shooting star, I can go the distance
I will search the world, I will face its harms,
I don’t care how far , I can go the distance
‘til I find my hero’s welcome, waiting in your arms
I will search the world ,I will face its harms,
‘til I find my hero’s welcome, waiting in your arms.
(comprehensive studies )
Worldwide vision is a good companion
In my way writer is an extraordinary explorer
To be an honourable Christian is my pleasure