火車抵步 故鄉依然 雙親遠迎 沿途放眼
瑪麗飛躍 金髮櫻唇 故里青翠 輕輕撫摸
無以尚之 祖居健在 歲月留痕 橡樹依然
童年記趣 瑪麗同行 曲徑通幽 金髮櫻唇
故里青翠 輕輕撫摸 無以尚之
親友迎迓 投懷送抱 笑意盈盈 故里青翠
輕輕撫摸 無以尚之 驀然甦醒 舉目環視
灰牆四堵 疑幻似真 南軻一夢 獄卒牧吏
晨曦聯袂 故里青翠 輕輕撫摸 一再沐滌
親友迎迓 橡樹庇蔭 故里青翠 安趟舒適
〔The green green grass of home〕
The old home town looks the same
As I step down from the train
And there is to meet me is my papa and mama
Down the road I look and there runs Mary
Hair of gold and lips like cherries
It’s good to touch the green green grass of home
The old house is still standing
Though the paint is cracked and dried
And there’s that old oak tree that I used to play on
Down the lane I walk with my sweet Mary
Hair of gold and lips like cherries
It’s good to touch the green green grass of home
Yes, they’ll all come to see me
Arms reaching smiling sweetly
It’s good to touch the green green grass of home
Then I awake and look around me
To the cool grey walls that surround me
And then I realize that I was only dreaming
For there’s a guard and there’s a sad old padre
Arms and arms I’ll walk at daybreak
Again, I’ll touch the green green grass of home
Yes, they’ll all come to see me
In the shade of the old oak tree
As they lay me beneath
The green green grass of home