Always stay alive means everything, even a tiny goldfish owns a bachelor degree in survivorship
Net free struggle accompanied with no way fixer is a fantastic twin.
Good fortune conducts the way, wisdom inspires awareness.
Be calm and keep steady in crisis is a successor beyond the pool.
Corpse-disguise and breathless-stomach deserve a hell free bonus.
Salmons up-stream skill is the power from staying alive
(G)生命難有take two,切記隨機應變;
Life valid once only , always be alert
History is a mirror, never overlook your ability, self defense and broadly protection thus follow.
按語:【求生門】乃筆者為讀者獻上無限祝福之寄語,但願讀者有【求】必應,風【生】水起及五福臨【門】(福無重至,今日至)。至於【求生門】之英譯乃別開生面之【H &H Gateway】, H & H為(Heaven & Hell之簡稱)天堂與地獄咫尺天涯之謂。