【教會中人自「Sound of Music」 改成「Sound of Jesus」,筆者則譯成中文,供諸同好如下 】:
Love, the word that’s from our hearts,
Joy, to keep our dishes clean,
Peace, a jig-saw puzzle part,
Faith, believing what’s unseen,
Kind, a species we belong,
Good, is only God above,
Fruits, the rest don’t fit this song,
That will bring us back to love.
【仁愛】源出自心坎 【喜樂】因餐碟潔甚
【和平】迷宮也千尋 【信實】陌生也交心
【恩慈】乃種子大任 【良善】父神自降臨
【果子】此曲天上有 回歸【仁愛】滌人心