

 (甲)劉江顯故學長來鴻 :

Yi Shuk, do you still remember helping Tony's Mom in N years ago ? Dominic (Cheung Hon-wan) and I had "Yum-char" on 6/21, and i did let him have your phone # w/

 ( 乙 )  大晚題贈張漢雲學長之嵌名仿聯



(丙 )  張漢雲學長來鴻

Dear Chun-hung,

What a surprise to hear from you. 54 years passed since we left St. Louis in 1959. Each one of us has had our own path of life, different from each other. When I look at the graduation photo at St. Louis, I feel that we are still quite close  though we are so far away from each other. The memories of the old days are still so vivid in our minds. We do not know the whereabout of some of the boys and a few even left this world. At our present age, we should treasure any opportunities that may bring us together face to face.

In the past years, our Form 2 class-mates in Salesian School got together a few times for lunch (yum-cha). In one of the lunch, Mr. Mathew Cheng and Mr. Tang Yu-lam were among us. A lot of fun indeed.

For St. Louis '59 boys, in the past 7 or 8 years, we have had a re-union dinner gathering on 1 Nov. every year .Each time we had 3 tables including the spouses. Some flew back from Canada, Australia, United States and New Zealand.Fr. Foster flew to Hong Kong from Dublin twice  to attend the dinner. In case you have plan to come back to Hong Kong this year,I hope you can schedule your itinerary so that you and your wife can attend the coming re-union dinner on 1 Nov.

I knew in our school days that you were already very good in Chinese literature. Lately Yeung Kowk-hung told Lau Kwong-hin that you won a special award in Canada in Chinese writing ( I do not know if it is an essay writing or poem writing). You sure deserve it after putting so much time and effort in it. Congratulations. We we are very proud of you.

Let us stay in touch.

Best regards,

Dominic Cheung Hon-wun.

(丁 )  大晚回函










歲次癸巳夏至草於加京鴻廬                                學弟鎮鴻敬覆

Latest comments

19.09 | 17:31

在忙碌(忙亂)中找到片刻安靜(閱讀神的話), (透過祈禱)把重担交託神, 必能讚美神恩。

15.06 | 02:50


03.03 | 01:42


13.01 | 17:11

(一) 看別人比自己強可化解衝突或分歧

(二) 主耶穌在十架上對同釘十架的那罪人之對話表現完全饒恕和愛是最好的榜樣

(三) 禱告是向神表達自己真誠的想法,神也藉著不同的方法,教導我們如何回應。不然,分歧或衝突很易升温

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