
Re: My sincere opposition concern against the development of McCowen Square.

July 28, 2022

The councillor Paul Ainslie :

Please be reminded that both my wife and I are seniors of the  '40s. We moved to the adjacent

building called Skyscraper in 2021. Thank God for living in the same building with my eldest 

daughter. We can see each other without stepping outside the same building. Drug mart, 

Superstore as well as banking facilities are neighbourhood distance. What an Utopia setting. 

Now, the upcoming development scheme forsure brings tremendous nightmares to our families.

Losing magnificent landscape, Shoppers, Freshco and BMO would vanish at once, what a pity. 

Inconsideration of the above circumstances, we submit herewith our deepest concern as 

mentioned above. 

We will be much obliged should you reflect this case study in your earliest convenience. 

Yours gratefully, 

Teresa and Merlin Chan 

Owners of 310-68 Grangeway 


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19.09 | 17:31

在忙碌(忙亂)中找到片刻安靜(閱讀神的話), (透過祈禱)把重担交託神, 必能讚美神恩。

15.06 | 02:50


03.03 | 01:42


13.01 | 17:11

(一) 看別人比自己強可化解衝突或分歧

(二) 主耶穌在十架上對同釘十架的那罪人之對話表現完全饒恕和愛是最好的榜樣

(三) 禱告是向神表達自己真誠的想法,神也藉著不同的方法,教導我們如何回應。不然,分歧或衝突很易升温

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